BST offer individual drama workshops, providing exciting, collective and educational experiences for young people.

Some of the benefits of theater-in-education include:
Self-confidence: taking risks in class and performing for an audience can teach students to trust their ideas and abilities.
Imagination: theater provides an outlet for making creative choices and thinking up new ideas.
Communication skills: drama enhances verbal and non-verbal expression of ideas, and improves voice projection, articulation, fluency of language, and persuasive speech.
And not to mention… empathy, tolerance, cooperation, collaboration, focus, problem solving, trust and fun!
Drama is a powerful tool that can help your students and teachers reach their full potential!

Below is a list of some of the workshops we have carried out so far.
Drama Games – students are introduced to a variety of individual, pair and group games such as circle, interrogation, word, action and storytelling… and many more games!
Exploring a Play – students use improvisation in rehearsal to retell a classic story in an imaginative way.
Exploring Character – students explore physicality and voice of the character through status, movement, animal, and vocal activities.
Voice & Text – students use classic or contemporary texts to discover meaning and the intention of the character.
Shakespeare’s Monologue – students work on one of Shakespeare’s famous monologues to understand meter, meaning and motivation.
Julius Caesar – students enact a reduced version of the play and learned about the world of the play, the period, character and the production elements –costume, sound, set and lighting.

Facilitators: Between 1 and 4
Time: Between 60 and 120 minutes.
Participants: 10-60 participants, Age Range: 6-20+ Price: Between 20.000yen — 80.000yen
Tokyo and surrounding area

All quoted prices are after the deduction of tax. Note that further charges may to cover excess travel.

If you would like to make an offer of a price for one of our shows/workshops, please do not hesitate to contact us. Negotiation is completely risk-free.